There are actually legitimate websites that you can write articles and make money. You earn so much for each article and the pay is small initially. Articles with about 150-300 will pay you about $1.50 to $3.00 initially but once you get more articles accepted your status increases along with the amount of money you can get paid.
They have several categories to choose from and then there is a deadline that you must meet. The money may not seem to be much but the chances to become a professional writer increase the range of pay. This also could be a valuable accomplishment to add to your resume when getting a job.
You have to write an article of 150 to 250 words to be accepted. After you are accepted then you get a large amount of categories to write articles on and they tell you how much you receive for each article if accepted. It is a slow way to start but with no fees it gives you the chance to work a legitimate job.
You have to be motivated and it helps if you can translate information after doing some research rapidly. It is called Give it a try as you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
Kelly Says, "Develop your writing skills while you make real money without paying any money to work."
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