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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Evolution of wealth

Technology, Arts, Sciences, Math, English, History or the Hula Hoop and everything man invented began with an idea. One of the first major inventions in history were fire and the wheel. If man would not moved any farther than an idea where would we be today? Any idea takes 1 % of your time. The other 99% is pure sweat. Every idea takes action and a lot of WORK.

How many inventors were scorned, laughed at and had many disappointments that stop most people from carrying through with one simple idea. Never let anyone stop you or make you believe that any invention or idea of yours is impossible.

If great people like Edison, Pasteur, Lincoln, Mark Twain or the first men that flew to the moon stopped with the first tragedy where would we be today? Sickness, no laughter, no light and less role models to encourage us to continue with our ideas.

Kelly Says, "Reach for the stars and never let any person, place or thing stop you from doing all you can to reach that dream.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Does anyone trust anyone

Our country needs to begin opening their eyes and the ordinary citizens of America need to speak out for our freedom and rights that are slowly being taken away. What is worse is that Americans are at the mercy of  employers as they control you beyond the workplace.

I am not against the employer as it is not their fault that they can't trust you. They can't eve trust elected officials to be honest. I just would like to know if they do not give you a job after checking the Fair Credit ACT due to medical history. I know its' not suppose to be a tool for discrimination but it could be used as one and you would never know it unless you check it frequently.

The Fair Credit Act is an invasion of privacy and an employer can find out anything they want to about you. Why do they need to know if you pay your bills or not? You are trying to get a job as you need money to survive. If you have unpaid medical bills listed on a credit report it could show that you have medical problems that may cause them to not hire you. Is this really fair? Just some things to think about.

Pre-employment drug screening test could be used as an invasion of privacy. Pre-employment drug screens could be used to hinder employers from giving you a job because the UA can show of a specific medical conditions which may cause their health insurance premiums to rise.

Anything to do with health insurance today is a bad word already. I have read some of the thousand pages of ObamaCare so you might want to read it before you say you want it. It sure is not for us. The UA can also show if you are on insulin, heart medication, anti-depressants or have other health issues that could harm your opportunity for employment.

A UA does not show alcohol. This is the most widely abused drug in America and kills more innocent people and tears apart more families than any other illegal drug. It is highly addictive and because it is legal makes this the most dangerous drug of them all. Alcohol has affected more families than any other drug in America.

Do you really think all this information is fair or forced just to get a job so you do it. Our rights are being taken because we need the job yet the more we let them have it will be expected or forced on us. We can't believe that our elected officials are honest and all the repercussions are wasteful government fallout spending.

Our government does not have to take UA's but most drug addicts are not people that can hold jobs or even look for one. Why can't the Fair Credit Act show an employer that you held jobs over 5 years at least. They don't even have to have official birth certificate but we cannot work without a Social Security Card. Does anyone trust the employee for a great work history or what they can do to help your company any more?

Honesty and the government job

The role models in this past 20 years have made it very difficult helping parents teach that lying and dishonesty are wrong. Everyday the television or internet has someone that has lied but recently they do not even have to look for the liars as they are found everywhere from all walks of life. It's out of control.

Professional athletes, actors and actresses should be positive role models to our children and honesty is expected. As for government officials holding positions of the highest offices in our country should be honest and trustworthy due to the position and as role models for our children. When you have several Presidents and government officials lie on the television without any remorse, apology or any attempt to do the right thing is harmful for our children and to other countries as well. America has some of the GREATEST LIARS IN THE WORLD.
Here are just a few:
  • Lying is okay when your the President of the United States or in a government office.
  • Dishonesty being is and there is a upsetting double standard created.
  • It is okay for Americans to lie but shame on us if we do.
  • If Americans are dishonest to other Americans then how good is their word in other countries.
    Status means you can lie.
  • They think it is okay if your a government official as they never apologize or show any signs of remorse unless it seriously affects their position.
  • They have no consequences as they do not have to provide documents that American citizens must when they lie or cheat.
  • If you have money and power it is okay to lie and be dishonest.

Government double standards: Lie once, public is made aware of, lie twice more news coverage, lie three times still have your job, public takes notice, still has job.

Employees reality: Lie and/or cheat immediately terminated.
If I did not have my birth certificate or other legal documents I would not even have the job. Changing the way a word was defined to make a lie sound better,  any sexual misconduct, at-will State, TERMINATION.

As children truth and honesty were values and morals that our parents taught us consequences would be enforced when we told lies. In real life this holds the is reality. The government officials need to start really paying attention to and changing how they are being viewed by the American Public because our fears of security have greatly depleted and our hope in honesty is basically gone when it has anything to do with the government. The TRUTH will always win. No one expects perfect because we are human but if you are caught with your hand in the cookie jar, ADMIT IT.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dysfunctional government and the functional family

The President of these United States said on television that he promises things will change for the better. It's a change we can believe in.

Problem: Putting food on the table with no job, unemployment funds that are depleted due to the invisiable unemployed statistics that are taken out so it looks good on paper that their are plenty of jobs. Your just lazy if your not employed in the current economy. The under-employed have a job but does not pay the bills even with major cutbacks on normal living expenses due to the rising cost of gas and food at the grocery store. We are already living in survival mode so there is nothing to cut back on.
PS: Mr. President, we did not take any vacation for many years as a matter of fact what is a vacation? We could watch a DVD about the place we wanted to vacation at so we can pretend we had a vacation.

Functional family: The credit card is maxed out so your credit card purchase is denied. You stand in the checkout line embarrassed leaving your survival grocery items at the store. We pray that things will change so we have the option ask for credit limit increase just to have a well balanced dinner on the table. Common sense tells us that this is a bad financial decision yet it put food on the dinner table until tomorrow. We cannot go hungry as we have no health insurance if we get sick. This functional family falls in the gray area where you make to much to qualify for assistance but not enough to survive which is probably the majority of families in today's economy.

Functional family solution: Ask for a credit limit increase of whatever you can get even if you cannot afford the minimum balance payment due next month. Things have to get better as being homeless is the next step down. Now our choice has put us on the path of becoming a dysfunctional financial family caught up in the vicious cycle of being in debt forever. Our role model the government spends more than they have so why can't we follow in their footsteps. What makes them different from us?

Dysfunctional Government: The difference between our credit card and the government's credit card is they get an increase for wasteful spending but you are not allowed that privilege. We are not able to feed our family so they go hungry that night. The President dinner table will have all the food his family needs that night and their belly will be full. They get a credit card limit increase because they are the government and you don't because you have the misfortune of being a taxpayer. Their checkbook does not even have to have a positive balance but you get charged overdraft fees for being poor.

Dysfunctional News: They report that the unemployed numbers are down or up or down but this is due to not really knowing the actual numbers and it depends on who they want to have in office and who they don't. They talk about facts that support the side they are on meaning Republican or Democrat. Being a Republican I can find all the facts I want to support my side just as the Democrats can do the same but how does this help put dinner on my table? Actually when it comes to feeding my family I am embarrassed to claim a party as they are acting worse then 2 year old children having a squabble.

Results: No food on my table, no money in the bank and no job to go to and the news did not report the true facts, the President and the government did not put food on my table so they need to look up the definition of "INSANITY" and add it to their dictionary.

Definition for those government officials that do not know or understand the term: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

Solution: The government needs to function within the same standards they ask of all Americans. LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS. No more golf or expensive vacations that you can't afford. Do not ask for a credit limit increase when you cannot afford it. Job creation by the government is not working so a different approach should be considered. By redirecting wasteful government spending programs of our tax dollars and giving them to American citizens that can fund them to start small businesses.

Our government needs to show faith that the American citizens can make responsible decisions by allowing them the opportunity to generate growth in our economy and decrease unemployment. Small businesses are the backbone of America. The government treats us like children who cannot care for themselves or make their own decisions. Many people that have great business ideas that would create jobs but they need funding to start. The government and large corporations are bailed out when they go deep into debt. Small businesses pay the full consequences of their choices and the law. I have more respect for small businesses that took a chance and failed then in our own government which seems wrong.

The small business owner is willing to work more hours a day and go above and beyond the call of duty to succeed. The success pf a small business provides food and shelter for the employer and employees families working for them. Starting a small business is one person risking everything and determination to be successful and survival makes this a good risk for government funding. We do not want our children to follow the governments spending habits, childish temper tantrums and pure snobbery. Spending too much, lying, bullying and cheating are okay if the government does it. We would be in jail or bankrupt!

We just want to work and have a chance to create our own American Dream. "Do as I say not as I do" is the governments motto. Spending more money than you have has negative consequences. Let Americans take control of creating jobs by funding us to create small businesses and we will show how to change our economy. The government is a poor role model for our children and the family must work overtime to maintain strong values and morals.

Our government garnishes you paycheck when taxes are not paid and the credit card company says "shame on you for falling into our trap because you are responsible adults and your consequence are penalties with interest or no credit at all." The President has all he needs met making him unable and incapable of walking in the typical Americans shoes. Sorry if this hurts your pride but it is reality. I am still debating whether you have feelings?

Congressmen and Senators voted in a raise of salaries (more than 3% yearly) and they have job security, great insurance (not Obama Care) and a great retirement plan plus all the benefits that maybe 2%-4% (guessed number) of Americans know how this feels. Social Security did not get a cost of living increase for 3 year now. This tells me that they have no concern for Senior Citizens and how you ear. Until you walk a mile in my shoes you are not capable empathy or understanding what it means to be a typical American.

The double standard: The credit card company and the government play ball as money is power and power is a double edged sword. Being warned of going over limit could have helped the ordinary customer but you are not privileged. They are not embarrassed about taking more money out of the taxpayers pocket and continue to say you want more taxes (you must be crazy of you ask for this).

Being embarrassed in the line at the grocery store when your credit is turned down put on the spot with no excuse. Results" Late charge and over limit fee then $300 credit limit turns into $1500 if you can't make payment on time and minimal balance times 2 so you are caught in the spiders web and it is very hard to get out if you do.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Justice will prevail-happy 235th birthday,

On July 4, 1776 our forefathers wrote and signed their names to these words which maintain the high ideals values and beliefs we fight and die for still today. These words of wisdom today are very powerful with a strong vision have remained true well past the days they were first written.

Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among them are the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Americans should agree on one thing about our country and what has made it unique and great from all other countries is a great and powerful word "FREEDOM". Freedom to choose, of speech, to bear arms, of religion and to be who we want to be, individuals living in a free country.

For 235 years we have continued to live in a FREE country because people have fought and died for it. The original constitution and forefathers possessed came from the wisdom of living in other forms of governments.

The courage and strength of the melting pot of pioneers fought to live in America under a government with new ideas which they believed was a better way of life. Who would know more about freedom than someone that never lived it.

Holding on to their healthy traditions and leaving behind the injustice ways of their old countries was how this country survived. They converted to speaking English as their language and believed without question that this form of government was better than the one they lived in.

As a Republic, we are against socialism, fascism, communism and imperialism but the words "freedom of chose" are what have been taken out of context. Even anarchy has to have a form of government or chaos forms. Anarchy is against government but when actually lived it is not reality.

Americanism is a new form of government that is being tested by all these other ism's. Democrats,  Republicans and Independents all feel that have the right answers and will never agree due to basic moral and values varying. Truth and justice will prevail in the end.

The "Change" that Obama is bringing to our country is trying to change the basic moral fibers that brought our nation together. Our separation of parties has nothing to do with parties but due to trying to promote a "New World Order" form of Government.

The sooner that we put aside our differences of being Democrat or Republican we will see the forest through the trees. What the government is really doing is trying split our nation so they can move in and form new kind of government. We are Americans first which is really in danger now.

Why can't people see that this is what is occurring now. Chaos and anger has made countries fall and change and not always better for the people. This July 4th, 2011 remember that you are American's first and do not allow evil to invade what our forefathers had the wisdom to bring about 235 years ago today.

Kelly Says, "God Bless America, land of the free and the home of the brave! Get wise to what is really happening and then fight to keep America a free Republic! We may not even have Democrats and Republicans if we continue to miss what is really the goal of this change."