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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Does anyone trust anyone

Our country needs to begin opening their eyes and the ordinary citizens of America need to speak out for our freedom and rights that are slowly being taken away. What is worse is that Americans are at the mercy of  employers as they control you beyond the workplace.

I am not against the employer as it is not their fault that they can't trust you. They can't eve trust elected officials to be honest. I just would like to know if they do not give you a job after checking the Fair Credit ACT due to medical history. I know its' not suppose to be a tool for discrimination but it could be used as one and you would never know it unless you check it frequently.

The Fair Credit Act is an invasion of privacy and an employer can find out anything they want to about you. Why do they need to know if you pay your bills or not? You are trying to get a job as you need money to survive. If you have unpaid medical bills listed on a credit report it could show that you have medical problems that may cause them to not hire you. Is this really fair? Just some things to think about.

Pre-employment drug screening test could be used as an invasion of privacy. Pre-employment drug screens could be used to hinder employers from giving you a job because the UA can show of a specific medical conditions which may cause their health insurance premiums to rise.

Anything to do with health insurance today is a bad word already. I have read some of the thousand pages of ObamaCare so you might want to read it before you say you want it. It sure is not for us. The UA can also show if you are on insulin, heart medication, anti-depressants or have other health issues that could harm your opportunity for employment.

A UA does not show alcohol. This is the most widely abused drug in America and kills more innocent people and tears apart more families than any other illegal drug. It is highly addictive and because it is legal makes this the most dangerous drug of them all. Alcohol has affected more families than any other drug in America.

Do you really think all this information is fair or forced just to get a job so you do it. Our rights are being taken because we need the job yet the more we let them have it will be expected or forced on us. We can't believe that our elected officials are honest and all the repercussions are wasteful government fallout spending.

Our government does not have to take UA's but most drug addicts are not people that can hold jobs or even look for one. Why can't the Fair Credit Act show an employer that you held jobs over 5 years at least. They don't even have to have official birth certificate but we cannot work without a Social Security Card. Does anyone trust the employee for a great work history or what they can do to help your company any more?

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