Problem: Putting food on the table with no job, unemployment funds that are depleted due to the invisiable unemployed statistics that are taken out so it looks good on paper that their are plenty of jobs. Your just lazy if your not employed in the current economy. The under-employed have a job but does not pay the bills even with major cutbacks on normal living expenses due to the rising cost of gas and food at the grocery store. We are already living in survival mode so there is nothing to cut back on.
PS: Mr. President, we did not take any vacation for many years as a matter of fact what is a vacation? We could watch a DVD about the place we wanted to vacation at so we can pretend we had a vacation.
Functional family: The credit card is maxed out so your credit card purchase is denied. You stand in the checkout line embarrassed leaving your survival grocery items at the store. We pray that things will change so we have the option ask for credit limit increase just to have a well balanced dinner on the table. Common sense tells us that this is a bad financial decision yet it put food on the dinner table until tomorrow. We cannot go hungry as we have no health insurance if we get sick. This functional family falls in the gray area where you make to much to qualify for assistance but not enough to survive which is probably the majority of families in today's economy.
Functional family solution: Ask for a credit limit increase of whatever you can get even if you cannot afford the minimum balance payment due next month. Things have to get better as being homeless is the next step down. Now our choice has put us on the path of becoming a dysfunctional financial family caught up in the vicious cycle of being in debt forever. Our role model the government spends more than they have so why can't we follow in their footsteps. What makes them different from us?
Dysfunctional Government: The difference between our credit card and the government's credit card is they get an increase for wasteful spending but you are not allowed that privilege. We are not able to feed our family so they go hungry that night. The President dinner table will have all the food his family needs that night and their belly will be full. They get a credit card limit increase because they are the government and you don't because you have the misfortune of being a taxpayer. Their checkbook does not even have to have a positive balance but you get charged overdraft fees for being poor.
Dysfunctional News: They report that the unemployed numbers are down or up or down but this is due to not really knowing the actual numbers and it depends on who they want to have in office and who they don't. They talk about facts that support the side they are on meaning Republican or Democrat. Being a Republican I can find all the facts I want to support my side just as the Democrats can do the same but how does this help put dinner on my table? Actually when it comes to feeding my family I am embarrassed to claim a party as they are acting worse then 2 year old children having a squabble.
Results: No food on my table, no money in the bank and no job to go to and the news did not report the true facts, the President and the government did not put food on my table so they need to look up the definition of "INSANITY" and add it to their dictionary.
Definition for those government officials that do not know or understand the term: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
Our government needs to show faith that the American citizens can make responsible decisions by allowing them the opportunity to generate growth in our economy and decrease unemployment. Small businesses are the backbone of America. The government treats us like children who cannot care for themselves or make their own decisions. Many people that have great business ideas that would create jobs but they need funding to start. The government and large corporations are bailed out when they go deep into debt. Small businesses pay the full consequences of their choices and the law. I have more respect for small businesses that took a chance and failed then in our own government which seems wrong.
The small business owner is willing to work more hours a day and go above and beyond the call of duty to succeed. The success pf a small business provides food and shelter for the employer and employees families working for them. Starting a small business is one person risking everything and determination to be successful and survival makes this a good risk for government funding. We do not want our children to follow the governments spending habits, childish temper tantrums and pure snobbery. Spending too much, lying, bullying and cheating are okay if the government does it. We would be in jail or bankrupt!
We just want to work and have a chance to create our own American Dream. "Do as I say not as I do" is the governments motto. Spending more money than you have has negative consequences. Let Americans take control of creating jobs by funding us to create small businesses and we will show how to change our economy. The government is a poor role model for our children and the family must work overtime to maintain strong values and morals.
Our government garnishes you paycheck when taxes are not paid and the credit card company says "shame on you for falling into our trap because you are responsible adults and your consequence are penalties with interest or no credit at all." The President has all he needs met making him unable and incapable of walking in the typical Americans shoes. Sorry if this hurts your pride but it is reality. I am still debating whether you have feelings?
Congressmen and Senators voted in a raise of salaries (more than 3% yearly) and they have job security, great insurance (not Obama Care) and a great retirement plan plus all the benefits that maybe 2%-4% (guessed number) of Americans know how this feels. Social Security did not get a cost of living increase for 3 year now. This tells me that they have no concern for Senior Citizens and how you ear. Until you walk a mile in my shoes you are not capable empathy or understanding what it means to be a typical American.
The double standard: The credit card company and the government play ball as money is power and power is a double edged sword. Being warned of going over limit could have helped the ordinary customer but you are not privileged. They are not embarrassed about taking more money out of the taxpayers pocket and continue to say you want more taxes (you must be crazy of you ask for this).
Being embarrassed in the line at the grocery store when your credit is turned down put on the spot with no excuse. Results" Late charge and over limit fee then $300 credit limit turns into $1500 if you can't make payment on time and minimal balance times 2 so you are caught in the spiders web and it is very hard to get out if you do.
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