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Thursday, June 30, 2011

An angry citizen that just wants to work

I was let go at age 49 or should I say terminated for silly reasons. I saved a adolescents life and did not fill out the correct paperwork. Appealing the decision for denial of unemployment even the UI judge agreed it was a silly reason and awarded me unemployment.

Due to being terminated occurring for the first time in my life at age 49 1/2 after working at this facility for 6 1/2 years I feel that the supervisor that did not like me personally is one thing holding me back from getting employment combined with my age now 51. Other co-workers would vouch for me as a good employee if they did not fear getting fired.

The small groups of people that are getting jobs in America are age 30-35. I have many friends that are unemployed and this unstable economy has many of us on the brink of losing everything we worked hard to get. Along with fear and depression we have sold everything we can just to live.

My husband is disabled and counts on my ability to work to keep our home. I have been honest on applications and was told by a workforce employee that I should not fill out the optional questions of color and sex as this could be what is hurting me from getting an interview.

I tried to find funds that could help me start a business as I feel that this is the backbone of America. Of course the government bailed out major corporations but will not help anyone with funding a new business. We have to help ourselves as the government is not for the poor working or unemployed American.

I live in Kansas and feel the unemployed numbers not correct or real. If the government really wants to help Americans then he should help us start businesses by giving us grants and low interest loans. Do you know if there are any programs that can help you get a business started?

I feel that Americans need to change the economy and the government needs to help fund American small businesses instead of worrying about giving Chinese women one million dollars to reduce alcohol abuse in China. How does this help Americans?

I wish the government would hire poor or unemployed Americans to be a check and balance employee that follows and watches our Senators and Congressmen and women making sure they are doing their job. Does this make sense? We have people watching every move we make and holding us accountable. They do a performance evaluation and if we are lucky we get a 3% raise.

There is no one that watches our government officials giving them a performance evaluation every 6 months that holds them accountable. They vote themselves a large raise but do not give a cost of living increase for people on Social Security.

They have not went to the store and bought a gallon of milk recently. We have to drink powered milk to have milk and that was given to us by a church. This is really a sad state of affairs when an American that is honest and hard working just wants to work cannot get a job.

I have actively looked for over 2 years now. It has become a personal vendetta for me to search for the reasons I can't get hired and to get a job that pays for my experience. There is discrimination going on in the job world but you can't give a specific example as the employer does not have to give you a reason.

Kansas is an "at-will” state so you can be fired just because. Sorry to go on but I have always got a job in the past without problem so what is the difference today. Age discrimination plays a big role as insurance goes up when there are claims and older people are more likely to get sick but they are also more reliable. It’s a catch 22 and the simple solutions are being ignored like helping people start businesses to employ other Americans.

Sincerely, Kelly an unemployed American that just wants a job!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What is missing in this picture?

Someone sent me an e-mail that caught my eye enough to open it up and see if it was a good money making opportunity on-line. For $1 they would give me a totally functional website that would make me at least $100 in the first 48 hours. After clicking the select button I was on a Paypal page. For 2 days they would charge me $1 and then in 48 hours I would be charged $47 a month.for all this and of course bonuses.

What actually caught my attention: (the devil at work)
  1. For $1 dollar I got a fully automated website with products and all the bells and whistles ( never seen anything for a dollar)
  2. Excited enough with sales pitch I put my e-mail address in (I will win if I risk pulling the handle)

The alarm: (Your conscious at work "is this real")
  1. Sounds too good to be true (Check it out)
  2. Make money form a website created by them, products selected by them to make money for someone they do not even know
  3. No work on my part except to pay them
  4. Did not talk about other costs (advertising largest expense, hosting, etc.)
Common Sense set in: ( the great voice that helps us come back to our senses)
  1. Why would anyone want to do all the work to make me money and I pay them $47 a month to do nothing. 
  2. The cost of $1 trail period was up in 48 hours
Thanks for these voices or little angels that whisper in your ear. I would have doing a dis-service by adding to the dishonest money earned by an dishonest affiliate so he could show you his exorbitant ClickBank account that would be my money. This enemy sucks away the hard earning of honest women or men that are under/unemployed just trying to earn extra income believing someone out there is actually honestly going to make you money on-line. I apologize to all the honest affiliates and marketers as there are a few if I hurt or offended you by this obvious scam.

Monday, June 27, 2011

What products do you buy on-line?

With the rising cost of everything it is difficult to bring people to your site that want to purchase a product you offer. What do people need when they go on-line to purchase a product? Everyone is aware of Mass Merchandisers such as Walmart or Target being on-line or having a store close to home. So why would you get on the internet to purchase something you can go and get from one of these stores?

Purchasing some items on-line that you have seen or bought before helps you know what you are getting. Purchasing clothing from a company that you have never heard of before becomes more complicated and challenging as not all sizes are the same. A size 5 from Levi can vary from a size 5 of the Rustler brand. The feel and fit of different types of fabric is important and can hinder one from buying clothing on-line.

Each ladies body is very different from another even if they both wear the same size. This problem makes clothing a hard sell on-line. The hassle of returning clothing after making a purchase on-line becomes a very involved process. Saving time is the whole point of making an on-line purchase and unless you have previously bought brand named clothing you don't know the product. Going to the store and trying it on you can see if it fits gives you automatic gratification of wearing what you buy with no waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

Kelly Says, I feel that clothing is one of the most difficult items to sell on-line. I would like some feedback on what you think is the best thing to purchase on-line and why. This is a research study about on-line purchases so I would really like a comment to help me with this project. Until then I have chosen some items related to clothing and I feel you can purchase on-line without going to the store. Please leave a comment!

11.5 in X 8.5 in X 4.75 in Collapsible Storage Container - Green with Blue - Perfect for Organizing Books, Toys, Clothing and MoreClothing Storage BagIron On Garment Labels with Pen by Original Heart CompanyNylon Storage Bag 27 x 24.5 x 10Cast Iron Boot Coat HookGeneral Electric Iron 1952 Vintage AdvertisementSize Medium, Lucky 13 Iron Cross Billiard Ball, Custom Culture T Shirt, New, Ships within 24 hoursCast Iron Moon Coat HangerSize Large, Iron Cross Skull, Hot Rod Culture T Shirt, New, Ships within 24 hoursSize Large, Maltese Cross, Iron Cross Eyes, Hot Rod Culture T Shirt, New, Ships within 24 hours

Saturday, June 25, 2011

July 4th, Independence Day

The 4th of July is more than firecrackers, drinking and family celebrations. This day is an American holiday is the birthday of our nation. In 1776 we declared our independence from Britain. Being the "land of free and the home of the brave" many people from other countries came to America to share in this dream. The Declaration of Independence of the 13 colonies was written in congress on July 4th, 1776.

Today more than ever we need to get back to the basics of what "Independence" really means for our nation today. We have came along way since this was written but are these powerful words still meaningful and applicable to American today? Read this part of the declaration and really think about it.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

For this one day can we put aside our differences of being a Democrat or Republican and focus on what the words Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness really means today. For a real change to occur we must look back into what our forefather felt strong enough to fight for and many Americans have lost their lives for FREEDOM for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Take this one day and really look at what the Declaration of Independence means to you and how it applies to today. As a parent it is your job to teach your children at home strong morals and core values so they can question what is being taught verses believing it is true if the teacher says it. Some teachers may intentionally or unintentionally allow their own political views and opinions to dictate what they teach your child about politics and history. 

A good teacher will teach the unbiased facts of America, history, government and politics allowing a child to develop and form their own opinions regarding politics and the government. A child's mind is open, eager and easy to believe what a teacher says to be true. During these critical years of life a child/adolescent begins to search for the answer of who they are as a individual. Everything they believe in will be based on these core beliefs and values which should come from the home, not the teachers. 

Ask your child everyday what he/she has learned in school in detail and keep the lines of communication open. Do not accept "nothing" for an answer. You want your child to be who they are because they truly believe in it and not just a follower just because its' the thing to do. If it is different then yours don't get angry or critical but initiate an open discussion and by listening this will encourages growth and gaining knowledge.

Kelly says, Make decisions based on your core beliefs and values not because everyone else is doing it. Be an individual and a leader. Information about the Government

Greed and pure cruelity from e-mails

I received an e-mail today from what appeared to be the IRS. When you receive something similar and you will do not click on the link or your computer will be gone or your identity stolen. How people can be so cruel as to do this to an unsuspecting honest person is totally out of control.

I have recently received a multitude recently of  e-mails that say: ACH transactions denied, job application attachments and banks that look very real using the companies actual logo in an attempt to make them look real. I even received a Pay Pal notice stating that some attempted to log in to my account stating I need to click the link to take care of the unauthorized use of my account.

Never open a attachment or link on an e-mail before going directly to the site and logging in that way. Turn these people in as we must stop these mean and greedy down right cruel people that only want to harm you. On Pay Pal they have a security site. Forward the suspicious, spam or scam e-mail to the proper companies by going to their website and going to security as they will direct you how to proceed.

These are some ways you can tell if it is a fake e-mail:
  • Is your actual name in the To: 
  • If it says undisclosed recipient do not proceed
  • No bank send e-mails asking for information
  • Go directly to the website in question or call the company
  • Do not call the number on the e-mail
  • Never open a link or an attachment
  • Take the time to forward them to the security department of the company in question
Stop these people that are scamming off the poor and never believe in get rich by pressing a button or automation as it just does not happen that way. Making money on the internet takes time. Do research by tying the name in on a search for the company. If you look far enough down on a Google search you will find out if someone has been scammed by the person or the company.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

One dollar per gallon increase

President Obama wants to help us out again forgetting that the economy is falling apart. Families cannot afford spending one more dollar per gallon on gas and Mr. Obama wants to help you out by increasing the tax on gas by paying one more dollar per gallon. This is his way of trying to force us to change on how we consume fuel. We are getting punished and this "change" he speaks of is getting worse by the day.

He needs to get out of his pie in the sky thinking and come to reality remembering that we can't even get unemployment under control. The stress on the family is already bad enough that he does not need to help us out anymore. First of all you won't even be able to drive your car using gas and even look for a job and by the time you get there it will be out of business.

This will have a disastrous affect on jobs, groceries, the economy, businesses and the family in the history of America. He is totally out of touch with reality and he is trying to ruin America. If he really wants to help us get jobs what is he thinking of. He can take his "Change" and move to a country that wants it. American's cannot handle one more added expense or the stress on the families will break.

Our country needs to get united and really listen to what he is saying. I will not vote for him as he is trying to break America and force changes that will be our demise or the death of this great country. I hope that their are good Republican's or Democrat's that can defeat him in 2012 before we lose everything. This is the straw that will break the camels back. It makes no sense to punish the families and put even more strain on our businesses in this economy.

We will have to live in huts like his poor grandmother and even the children will have to work. Extended families will have to learn to live together just to survive. Think about this change as you will not have any in your pocket after paying for food, shelter and forget the clothing. We cannot let this gas tax go through so write your Congressmen and Senators ASAP and make them listen. Speak up and stop this gas tax.

Think! Think! Think of what this will do to our country as $1 may not be much to him as it does not come out of his pocket but it does ours, the taxpayers. Kelly Say's, "Sorry if this offends you as this is not my usual style. I encourage Americans to vote no matter their party affiliations and anger never engages a response but this makes no sense at all and will harm our country.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Voting for a president

There are several things you should know about a candidate before electing him into office. When you go in the voting booth just to randomly choose a candidate can ruin America. Here are some of the things you should take the time to find out about a presidential candidate prior to voting. First no what you believe in then pick the candidate that comes closest to your own values and morals.
  • Is honesty important?
  • Are you pro-life? (This means that you are against abortions in case you don't know)
  • Are you pro-choice (For abortions)
  • Are you for Gay marriage?
  • Are you for more government or less?
  • Are you for freedom?
  • Are you a person that follows through with what you promise?
  • What are the issues you feel need to be addressed?
  • Is the candidate a sensitive person or out of touch with all that is going on in America?
These are just some of the things you should ask yourself and think about now. Find out where you stand on major issues then do some homework by watching the news or surfing the net for unbiased information. Begin looking for a candidate now that goes along with your values. Do not be a follower but a leader. Voting is a responsibility and should not be taken lightly. There is no excuse for ignorance. We need a president that is strong and willing to follow through with what he stands for. Vote and know why you voted for that person. I will add other issues to my list but start looking for your choice today so you will be ready during the next presidential election.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Freedom is fading away

Young American men and women in our military are fighting and dying in the name of "freedom". No other country experiences freedom like we do in America. They have lived for thousands of years without freedom and to think we are going to undo or change what it took thousands of years to create is not going to happen in our lifetime.

With this in mind when do we say it is time to quit and bring our military home. Unlike wars in the past we are fighting an enemy that has no face and terrorism seems to have no end. What are we trying to achieve at this point in time?. As soon as we kill one leader another is there to take his place. Their idea of freedom in these countries and America's will never be the same.

Our own freedom is slowly fading away and if we do not stop and start paying attention and taking freedom for granted we will lose what we are really fighting for. Our government is slowly trying to take away GOD by banning him from schools, city and government places. We are lucky that we can worship how we want to as a lot of countries cannot. Just imagine for a minute that the government could tell you what religion you have to practice.

Freedom of speech is beginning to be chipped away bit by bit. Songs are being banned as they are not politically correct. For example as song written and composed by the Chyles Road Band named "Welfare Blues" was banned in Washington State for being politically incorrect. The second amendment, the right to bear arms, is being threatened which was put in place to protect the first amendment. You are allowing this to happen if you do not vote, turn your head, don't speak up.

Have you ever taken one minute to think about how lucky you were to be born in America. The odds of you being born in this free country are very slim in comparison to the rest of the world. If you do not like America just turn on the news and really look how people live in other countries. El Salvador is a very poor and violent country with little hope for the youth to change the future. Most children have no parents and live in gangs.

Throughout history many men and now women have died in wars for preservation of our freedom or helping others try to have freedom. The countries we are fighting in have never experienced true freedom like American's have. Just think of your child waking up with no food, no home or no parents to teach them about what is right and wrong. Just open your eyes and think! Don't let freedom slip away so that your children must lose their lives to get it back.

Kelly Says, Obama promised "Hope and change you can believe in" but I prefer "to keep my God, my guns, my freedom, my money and you can keep the change".

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The power of music

Certain songs have the power to take your mind on a journey back in time, place or event that has occurred in your life. They can be happy, sad or connect you to a specific events and/or memory of what was occurring at a specific time in your life. Hearing a song from Janis Joplin sent my mind back to a fond memory of when I first met my husband 35 years ago. It just amazes me how specific music can send you back in time.

If you have never listened to J.J. I would like to introduce you to her. She sang from her heart and had a voice that was unique. If you like the jazz and blues and want to be moved by music then try listening to Janis Joplin. She wrote music that withstands time and even though she died long before my time her music lives in my heart and memories.Find a song that can take you back in time to memories of days gone by. is a great place to listen to enough lines of a song so you can decide if it is something you would like to purchase. Here is the song that sent my mind off into an event that changed my life and gave me a husband that I love even more 35 years later. This also makes a great gift for anniversaries and birthdays.

Another favorite artist of mine is "Jewel". She is a true artist has a special power of creating a song that withstands time. Jewel sings what I call "folk music". However you categorize them however you want but her songs move me. She can take my worries and cares away by listening to the words that touch you heart in a way that nothing else can do. A song that can bring tears show how powerful music can move the soul.

Piece Of My Heart
Janis Joplin - Greatest Hits18 Essential SongsYou Were Meant For MeSweet And Wild (Deluxe Edition)