I have faith in Jesus and all that he stands for. Being able to have total faith means no question that he existed and is taking care of me even when I am not aware of it. He always has taken care of me and answered my prayers. I see his miracles everyday and I hope you do to. I pray for those who do not know Jesus and have faith as you need all the help you can get.
I am thankful to be an American, to be free to express myself. Freedom also brings about responsibility. We all are adults and should be quite aware that we all have different opinions. This is what makes our country unique. To protest is to make known your opinion in a peaceful and organized manner. This I listen to and change my mind if I decide to.
To all the Wall Street Protesters: Are you adults or children that are not getting your way? Are you just having some fun which is really causing and inner destruction of our country. You are a misleading as you are not the majority of real Americans? We are working hard to build our country and you are hell bent on destroying it.
Quit acting like immature spoiled rotten brats that cannot get your way. Go back to school or work or whatever it is that you do. You are being used to further Obama's New World Order and you can't see the forest for the trees. You are wasting your time and mine. You made your point now let it go.
You have taught me that I do not believe in your ideas and you will not change my mind. You have especially made me realize that you are being used and brainwashed for purposes that you will never understand. STOP making America look stupid and immature.
Kelly Says, "You are not being listened to anymore and your protest is a waste of time now and getting old. Move on and do something that will help our country. Use your energy to create a better America! Sorry if the truth hurts as I know that you thought that you were helping."
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