They would put Amazon products on-line for me keeping all the products up to date saving me valuable time. My moment of silence on the phone of not saying yes they offered me a better deal of $155 and they could not understand why I needed to even think about the deal of a free website, hosting and a team that would help me be successful. Red flag for the 10th time during the conversation as the only thing I may have to spend money on was advertising my site.
For the price of $155 they wanted a share off the profits with me doing all the work. If I did not take the offer that moment then the deal was off. They would have a residual income from my work and expense of advertising of selling through a referral system offered by websites, hosting services and Amazon. THE DEAL WAS OFF and I had it with dishonest people!
Most of the on-line money making products are geared to take money from honest, poor, desperate hardworking people that believe you honestly want to help them but after this phone call I refuse to be a part of hurting others. It's about greed and dishonesty which are against my principles and I refuse to do anything that could compromise my integrity. Greed is not my personality and having a clear conscious lets me be able to live with myself. I may be poor but I have to live with myself. If you can sleep at night after you have taken money dishonestly then I will pray for your soul.
I have spent my life helping others and never want to do anyone harm intentionally. I am passionate about helping people and would rather give and have friends than to have a fortune that was taken from people dishonestly. Unfortunately the world of business is who you can step on to get where you want even if it means hurting your best friend. Most people do not set out to harm people intentionally but when it comes to survival and protecting your family people do compromise and this is the real world. You wake up thinking your life has been going great and in one blink of the eye it is changed forever.
Kelly Says, "How to make a living that helps others and God willing I will survive the economy without stealing money from anyone."
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