With all the crazy things that are occurring in the world today I am going off topic and writing about what life is truly about. It's about family, love and having fun. All work and no play is not good for anyone. You must work hard to make any money in this world but special things in life help you develop the skills that help your money making opportunities or business all worth the effort.
My granddaughter age 10 brought more joy to my life in one second than all the money in the world yesterday. She accepted Jesus into her heart. I am not afraid to say this because you have the freedom to turn read or not read. It's your choice. Thank God for choices as once you make them you have to live with the consequences, positive and/or negative.
In this world today sometimes we get caught up in making money and we lose focus or forget why we started this venture in the first place. To enjoy life, family and friends is what I work for and I believe most people are alike in this manner. To be able to enjoy the small things in life keep me posting on a free blog that makes me no money but with the hopes that I will one day find my unique niche that will make me able to make money on-line.
After over 100 different posts on this blog alone I have learned a lot. By sharing with anyone that cares to listen I have learned what people like and don't. I have learned how to use the tools like Analytic, Affiliate networks, keywords and a whole lot more. I write articles for the examiner which is all honing my skills for the day I take the first step. I will be ready and ahead of the world of on-line marketing.
The saying "it takes money to make money" may be true but faith that keeps me moving forward and the belief in my abilities to survive. When all this gels together watch out world as I know it will make money without a doubt in my mind. My business plan and marketing plan will be ready for consumers and it will be honest money that will allow me to enjoy life. How the scam artist can sleep with themselves is beyond me.
Many families are barely able to put food on the table yet they are able to keep smiling a moving forward and trying. In business the same thing goes because you have times that are hard but do you just give up, give in or quit? No, you keep trying and these survival skills are very important and will increase your odds of success in business. This is what molds you and helps you find the one unique thing that will set your business apart from all the rest.
Kelly Says, "Use the simple things in life to begin to find what will make your business unique and set you apart from the average business in your niche."
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